Energy Resources & Projects

The Chumash Environmental Office has implemented several energy projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are utilizing alternative energy technologies for use on governmental buildings, improving energy efficiency for community residents and offering job training in this growing sector.

The most effective solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in buildings is to reduce energy use. SYCEO assessed building operations, systems, and performance to make sure that residences and tribal buildings were operating at their best, resulting in utility savings and healthier indoor environments.


The SYCEO Community Energy Program offered local job training, certification, and paid apprenticeships in building performance and solar installation work. In addition, this program provided discount energy efficiency retrofits and solar installations for eligible tribal community homeowners, both on- and off-reservation. This project was funded by the EPA’s Climate Showcase Communities grant program.

Sustainable Landscaping

In early 2010, the Santa Ynez Environmental Office helped restore and revitalize the tribal hall landscape to better represent native and cultural plants of the region. The project enlisted the help of community members to vegetate the area with more than 60 plant species.

The newly restored landscape has the added benefit of needing far less water to be maintained. The limited watering schedule is supplied partially by water from rain water catchments, drip irrigation, and mulching. In its first year, the new landscaping saved over 15,000 gallons of water.
In 2012, the SYCEO team took on the responsibility of maintaining the sustainable landscaping and continually work on additional projects for the Tribal Hall grounds.

EV Charging Stations & Biofuel Project


Electric vehicles are gaining popularity and we are helping to build out supporting infrastructure for the vehicles by installing charging stations at our Tribal Hall, Santa Maria employee parking lot and at the Chumash Casino & Resort.

Transportation is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Alternative fuels and energy technology can help reduce transportation carbon emissions while also building new sectors and economies. SYCEO supports several alternative fuel projects throughout the reservation and with the Chumash Casino & Resort.


In 2010, SYCEO Biofuel Program provided alternative fuel to several community vehicles in the form of waste vegetable oil (WVO). The WVO came from the Chumash Casino restaurants and was processed by our team. We provided assistance to community members looking into converting their vehicle and looking for a more affordable and environmentally-friendly option to conventional gasoline and diesel.